Combat Anxiety by Celebrating the Small Wins

Anxiety begs you to focus on what you don’t have, insecurities, worries, and fears. So if you struggle with anxiety and something doesn’t go your way, those anxious feelings are naturally heightened because it feeds off of the appearance of defeat. That’s why it only makes sense to combat anxiety in those moments by celebrating the small wins.

Anxiety and happiness are not friends. Personally, they’ve never co-existed in the same moment in my life. There are days I’ve experienced both happiness and anxiety, but never in the same moment. The purpose of celebrating small wins is to lift your positive vibration. Celebrate the little things that make you feel good because they add up to a joyous grateful state that anxiety just can’t compete with.

Here are small wins you can celebrate to help you combat anxiety:

Keep in mind this is not a checklist. You don’t have to check off the answers to all of the questions in order to equal a win. One question answered equals a win. It’s not a contest and there are not right or wrong answers. My hope is that you open up your mindset to looking for things to celebrate with these or other questions.

  • What did you do right?
  • What things are you grateful for in this moment? (I count everything from my head to my toes and beyond.)
  • What fills your heart with joy?
  • Did you follow your intuition?
  • Did you stand up for yourself?
  • Did you go through your day instead of giving up?
  • Did you give yourself time to rest and recharge?
  • Did you push yourself past a comfort zone?
  • Who can you count on to talk to?
  • What compliments do people give you?
  • What did you achieve today?
  • What big achievements have you reached in your life?
  • Have you been kind to people even when you didn’t feel great yourself?
  • Did you help someone?
  • Did you take time for out yourself even when other people wanted to demand more of your time?
  • Did you keep a boundary that you set?
  • Did you exercise today?
  • Did you say “no” and mean it?
  • Were you brave?
  • Did you speak your truth?
  • Did you stick to a new routine?
  • Did you choose faith over fear?

Celebrating the small wins may not be a cure-all, but in the moment when anxiety starts to creep in, it can change the momentum putting you back in control. It’s a tool that I keep towards the top of my mental health toolbox. Perspective is everything. Energy is everything. Let them match up to the best of your ability.

Last but not least, I do believe that sometimes defeats happen to propel you forward. Hurt and pain can help us learn to recognize what we don’t want so that we become what we do want. The thing to acknowledge is that defeats are not permanent as long as you don’t adopt a defeatist mindset. That takes incredible resilience, but I know you can do it. 

Want to chat more about perspective and mental health? Contact me about coaching.

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