
- Credentials -

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  • 2013 – Certified as a Reiki Master

  • 2015 – Certified as Professional Life Coach (CPC) and Spiritual Life Coach (CSC) through the World Coach Institute.

  • 2020 – Published her first book, “Athlete Mental Health Playbook”

  • 2021 – Signed on as an Athlete Mental Health Coach and Contributor to the Hall of Fame Health (HOFH), an affiliate of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

  • 2023 – Published “Athlete Branding Blueprint”

  • 2023 – Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher 

“Live a life of purpose that satisfies your soul. One of the first steps that I often take with clients is to help the individual acknowledge and share their feelings by giving themselves permission to be a human. I think athletes often feel like they have to be more like a robot and that’s just not realistic. To help them through this, I show them how to create awareness and stillness so that they can move forward with purpose and clarity. In addition, I’ll coach them on how to use different tools for a variety of functions including stress management, uncovering mindset blocks, setting boundaries, reframing negative thoughts, purpose-driven action plans, and building emotional/mental resiliency.” – Misty Buck

Meet Misty

When I first set out to teach athletes about mental health, I did so because I noticed that this population, in particular, had unspoken rules about mental toughness and emotions that needed to be addressed. I grew up around sports and athletes. As the coach’s daughter and the sister of an athlete, I was often in the middle of the action on the sidelines during practices and games. I was also a cheerleader, and later a cheerleader coach. I bring this up because this is where I learned to love sports, but it’s also where I learned to be tough, walk it off, and never show “weak” or “soft” emotions.

Then, when I was a teenager, I began to experience depression and anxiety. My mental health felt like an ongoing whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. I didn’t feel strong on the inside, but I knew I was supposed to act strongly on the outside. I had no idea what was going on with me, or how to make it stop, but deep within my soul, I had a drive to heal and be healed. As I would come to learn, I wasn’t the only one struggling who felt like they couldn’t show it or talk about it. It took me many years to learn that I’m not crazy or weak and that managing mental wellness truly takes an ongoing mind, body, and soul holistic plan, which is why I’m so passionate about sharing that now.

As an Inner Game Transformation Coach, I focus on a personalized approach to guiding individuals to develop mental health and mindfulness skills so that they can work on their game in and out of sports.I have a passion for guiding athletes to enjoy inner stillness and transformational clarity through a holistic approach. I focus on four key areas including developing trust to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you; the confidence to listen to your instinct; permission to acknowledge and share your feelings, and the resiliency to navigate difficulties.

In 2008, at 26-years-old, I opened my first business—a social media and digital marketing agency—which I still own today. In 2015 I went on to pursue my passion for coaching when I became certified as Professional Life Coach (CPC) and Spiritual Life Coach (CSC) through the World Coach Institute. In 2020, I published the “Athlete Mental Health Playbook.” In 2021, I signed on as an Athlete Mental Health Coach and Contributor to the Hall of Fame Health (HOFH), an affiliate of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

In addition to my coaching credentials, I also hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication (Public Relations) and English (Creative Writing) from Florida State University.